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Aerial Assault

Gamified Obstacle Walls

What is Aerial Assault

Aerial Assault is a gamified modular obstacle wall system.
Select from our constantly expanding range of Aerial Assault wall obstacle sections and design a wall to suit your space and level of challenge.Interactive TAG Active beacons in the wall sections provide targets the players much reach and tag with their wristband.
All players attempts, scores and results are stored and displayed along with large leaderboard score screens.
aerial assault obstacle wall system by tag active ltd
Aerial Assault wall design

Modular wall section events have been created with elements of fun and challenge whilst always considering player safety.

Aerial Assault custom layouts

These walls can be combined in any number of layouts and shapes to create continuous wall challenges to suit your building.

aerial assault rfid wristband

Players are provided with electronic wristbands that link them into the system, display their scores and store their game data.

aerial assault rfid tag read

Illuminated TAG targets are located along the walls surface that players must TAG with their wristbands to gain points and log times.

aerial assault score groups

Harder to reach TAG targets are worth more points, but fall from the wall and its 'game over'.

aerial assault althogrim

We have a unique algorithm to balance points vs time for games on the wall. This provides players with a 'score' for the wall.

aerial assault scoreboards

TV screens on the wall display the players progress and the highest scores for the wall when the wall is empty.

aerial assault artwork

Wall colour and artwork graphics can be fully customised to suit specific branding / theme.

aerial assault foam pit

A large foam pit the full length of the wall provides the landing area from the wall with numerous step exit locations.

aerial assault software updates

Additional electronic game selection packages are continually being developed to enhance Aerial Assault.

Single Section Events

  • Aerial assault Start section


    The start section of all Aerial Assault designs. With ramp access, administration computer screen, start TAG and live scoreboard.

  • Aerial assault Exit section


    The end section of all Aerial Assault designs. It features the final TAG, scoreboard display and ramped exit route.

  • Aerial assault Box Elevator


    Players must navigate over or up the box shaped protrusions, but beware, those boxes are not what they seem!!

  • Aerial assault downfall


    Navigate across or up the various ledges, there are some surpsise as you go, they maybe your 'downfall'

  • Aerial assault Wallpush


    The higher you go, the more you get pushed away from the wall! Can you reach those high score beacons.

  • Aerial assault UFO


    Unidentified Flying Objects, this will make sense when you first try to cross this rope based event.

  • Aerial assault wheel of misfortune


    How brave will you be on the wheel of misfortune, it rewards the brave and punishes the foolish!

  • Aerial assault hang tough


    Remember, all is not always as it seems, Hang tough has some hidden surprises for those that dare to take the challenge.

    Double Section Events

    • Aerial assault the boulder


      Carefullly pick the right route around the pyramids to the right beacons whilst staying on the wall.

    • Aerial assault cone of shame


      There is no shame in taking the easy route for less points, or is there!!.


      Technical Specifications

      Aerial Assault by TAGactive
      • Resources
        To assist space layouts for Aerial Assault, 2D CAD Layout files and promotional media are available upon request.

      • Basic Site Requirements
        - A flat floor surafce is required.
        - We must be able to fix into the floor to a depth of 150mm.
        - A clear height of 5300mm is required. - Weight and point loading values available on request.
      • Power
        - 6 x 13amp 240v power sockets at the start section
        These provide power for all elements of the Aerial Assault walls including computational elements, televisions screens and lighting tubes.